Sunday, April 22, 2012

Carpet Angels!

Yes, you read that right, carpet angels (almost as fun as snow angels)!  I have decided that lying on the floor on our newly laid carpet, and making angels, is AMAZING!  I actually haven’t lived somewhere with carpet in quite some time and never a frieze; it is so soft!  

Family Room-After Carpet
We have carpet in our family room on the main level and our newly finished basement.  The family room carpet, pre-frieze, I must say was in quite a sad state.  When we first moved in it was on our list to replace asap, that is, until we started our actual remodeling projects and found out how much everything cost.  (Side note:  We also looked at beautiful stainless steel appliances which probably won’t be in our home for another 5 years, if ever!)  Oh how naive we were as first time homeowners!  Fast forward 2.5 years and we are finally replacing that stained and rather nasty carpet.  In fairness to the previous home owners, during our renovation stage of the house, we used that room as our storage room and were not the most mindful of protecting the carpet, so a few stains may have been added along the way.  Here's a couple of after pictures with the new carpet; MUCH better!
Family Room-After Carpet

Shopping for carpet was a rather interesting experience; we looked at Lowes, Nebraska Furniture Mart, and a smaller carpet store.  Unlike the other projects we’ve done, everyone came in right around the same price point and same time-frame for installation.  Who knew it takes nearly 3 weeks for the carpet! 

Overall, we are very pleased with it, but as the true perfectionists we are, we will admit that there are two things we might have done differently.  First, the frieze does show foot traffic and gets a little matted, so it might have been a good idea to do something slightly more durable on the stairs to the basement.  Second, we did a small section of vinyl in a faux wood finish for the bar area.  In hindsight, we wish we would have extended that into the area at the foot of the stairs and straight forward, almost like a hallway.

Live and learn, right?  Right.  

Either way, it’s a big improvement from what we previously had!  

Please follow Taylor Made Haven if you want to read more about our home adventures!  Enjoy your Sunday evening friends.

Basement-After Carpet
The TV found its way down there...more to come on that!
Bar area to the left.
Closer view of the faux wood vinyl.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

From Round, to Square; Ahh Complete!

I’m sure many of you have metal pillars in your basements, particularly if it’s an unfinished basement.  Actually, yes, of course you do otherwise you’re home may just topple over!  While these pillars are a very functional aspect of a home, most of us want to minimize their presence in finished spaces.  When we bought the house and the basement was semi-finished, the pillar was painted.  But, that didn’t do much to hide the rust bubbles and dents, so we decided we’d buy one of those pillar kits at Lowes.

Fast forward a few months.  We now have new drywall, fresh paint, and it’s time to put that pillar on! 
After staring at the kit for awhile, and seeing that the top and bottom molding/rings don’t come apart, we decided we didn’t know how you put this on when your project is not new construction.  If any of you know, please do let us know how you went about this.  We’d love to know!

Based on this we scraped, primed, and painted the pillar in the hopes we could make it “just blend in”.  But, being that it’s one of the first things you see when you come down the stairs, it just wasn’t working for me.  So, to Lowes we went where we found some molding (5 ½ x 7.5) that we used to box the pillar in.  

Here’s how we did it:
  • First, we secured a piece of wood to the floor and the ceiling (the first plank of molding needed something to lean against).
  • Then, we connected second plank and matched the corners so it was flush from both sides.  As I held it, my husband used the nail gun.  One of the hardest aspects was holding it in place while he nailed it together.  This definitely is a two person job and requires a little patience…
  • We attached the third plank and noticed that the pillar felt a little flimsy at the top and bottom.  We decided to use some spray foam to add a little more substance between the planks to allow for more stability.  Then, we attached the fourth plank.
  • Lastly, we filled the nail holes, caulked the gaps, and painted it white.
We now have a pretty, finished pillar as you walk down our stairs; this little project really added a nice, finishing touch.  I love how it turned out!

Hope you all have enjoyed your weekend, it's nearly over, so I'm shutting down the laptop for the night.  Please follow my blog to hear more about our basement renovation!

Just after we installed the wood blocks to the ceiling and floor.
All the molding is nailed together.

Filling nail holes.
Final version.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Shades of gray (literally)!

I have always heard that grays and creams are some of the hardest paint colors to pick.  I’ve decided I might just concur with that!  Actually, I had some pretty specific criteria in mind when I first decided that a shade of gray was in order, but the most important was that it needed to go with my husband’s collegiate colors; K-State purple.  I know I may sound a little nutty when I say this, but after seeing this purple against one of the neutrals shades of paint we have in our home, in my husband’s temporary “man heaven”, I decided that we had to do much better in our basement.

Temporary Man Heaven
The pennant gives you a little idea of the purple on our tan/neutral...

I specifically was hoping for a blue-silver-gray color, one that would read in a way that didn’t feel too…sterile (as gray’s so often can).  I landed on three potential candidates from Benjamin Moore.
Gull Wing Gray
Shadow Gray

Fusion does read more brown than blue-gray, but I did (and do) love it.  Ultimately, I ruled it out because of how similar it was to the color in our upstairs living room (Sherwin Williams-Portabella).  Besides, a gal needs to branch out now and then, right?  

Right!  Maybe.  Can I sleep on it?

After BT (my great husband) and I finished painting the basement, I took a long pause and tried to keep myself from panicking that I had chosen the wrong color.  When the paint was wet, there were moments where I swear it read as periwinkle.  I don’t like periwinkle, in fact, I absolutely hate periwinkle!

After a night of running up and down the stairs and obsessively staring at our walls, I’m happy to report that our walls are not periwinkle!  In fact, it’s actually a really pretty shade of blue-silver-gray and it passed the K-State purple test with flying colors.  It also pops nicely with the white trim and doors.

It must have been those gray, cement floors throwing me off.  Or, too many paint fumes…but either way, Shadow Gray is here to stay!

Enjoy the rest of this beautiful weekend; it's gorgeous outside!  In fact, I might go look at some flowers for our outside planters...
Stairwell to the basement
This will become the TV wall; placeholders for speakers!
Left corner will become a bar area
Pardon our mess; freshly painted baseboards!